Start up Fund

Before I started deputation, I read that it provides you the time needed to save enough money to “set up” (aptly called a “start-up” fund) once you arrive on the field. I have to say that I could not agree more. Think of all the things you will need to get started in your […]
My Toolbox

This is just an information dump of all the resources i have come across along the way. It is not pretty and needs to be updated, as there is a lot missing. As soon as someone asks me to, i will 🙂 Printing materials – – – Table top retractable banners 11.5 […]
Deputation and Support Raising Pt. 1

So you have been called to the field and are trying to get your mind around this concept of deputation? Many things have been said about it, good and bad. To some, deputation is an unbelievable opportunity; to others, not so much. For the sake of conversation, we will consider deputation a means of gathering […]
Materials for Deputation

Once you settle on a start date for deputation, allow for about a month to gather all of your materials. For your website, brochure, banner, etc, decide on a color scheme (preferably no more than 3 colors). I scoured the web and looked on church walls to get some inspiration as to prayer cards, websites, […]